Happy New Year 2025

NOTE: This is a letter to the REALTORS at Keller Williams Fresno. Since it features an important part of my journey in 2024 I am reposting it here.

I wanted to give you a preview of what’s coming in 2025, but first, I would like to share my journey from 2024.

This year has brought significant changes for all of us, particularly in the real estate industry. For me, the most impactful change has been losing the brokerage that I dedicated nearly 26 years of hard work to help build. The experience was life-changing, and seeing everything I had helped create slowly dismantled over a few short weeks was heartbreaking. In those first few days, I felt as though I had lost my sense of purpose. While I understand that we are more than our jobs, the emotions I experienced were very real.

During that time, I visited several brokerages and teams in the Fresno area and met some wonderful people. One team that particularly stood out to me was KW Fresno. Although Joanna didn’t know me at the time, she reached out to check in on me, which was something I needed. I had the opportunity to take a break from work when I attended the KW Fresno Day at the Park, thanks to Joanna’s invitation. Everyone was incredibly welcoming, and it provided a welcome distraction from everything going on in my life. I’m grateful to have met so many great people and to have seen a potential future for myself with the team.

A few weeks later, after many conversations with Joanna & Bianca, they recognized that I had the necessary skills and experience to assume the role of Market Team Leader. This would allow Joanna to transition to a different position on the team as the Operating Partner.

Now, six months after joining the team, I am thankful for all that happened earlier this year. I am in a much better place in so many ways than I was a year ago. I never knew what I was missing.
This reminds me of the talk I attended by Gary Keller in Austin, which I recently shared during our Business Meeting about the art of Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the broken areas with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It teaches us that nothing is truly broken; instead, it can be reassembled into something new, even better, and more beautiful. I plan to take all that I have learned and experienced over the past 26 years and use it to help you, our team at KW Fresno!
So here is my hope for you. Life consists of a series of deaths and rebirths. To become the person you are meant to be in the next chapter of your story, certain parts must be pruned. Take a moment to write down where you want to be by the end of this next chapter so you can truly enjoy the journey toward that goal.

Here is what I observed about our Market Center:

• The leadership. You can see that while growing the business is a priority, people come first! Our team prioritizes your success and is dedicated to helping you achieve your best by providing the right People, Systems, and Tools to accomplish it.

• Local ownership. Having worked for a large corporation, I can say there is a significant difference between working for distant shareholders compared to owners who genuinely care about people and work alongside us.

• Client events. Just like how I was introduced to our team at the Park Event, having four events put on by a team so you can focus on your clients during them is enormous. I enjoyed watching everyone work together and support each other at our events.

• Support for the community. Our team steps up to help make this place where we work, live, and play a better place.

• Keller Williams Realty International. Having a franchise that cares about systems to support the agents is rare. Again, I was part of a large corporation, and they would unsuccessfully try to copy what KW has. We would make our training library locally because they didn’t provide it at the national level. I got to pour over the rich library of videos and one-pagers on Connect (in Command) in my first few weeks at KW.  Also, having a company-owned CRM is enormous!  Most brokerages have to jump CRMs every few years because companies buy other companies for their technology, and we would have no choice but to change. It’s great to have such an amazing national support system where we all assist each other.

Our leadership team has created a plan for 2025, with the primary goal being to “Grow Your Business and Have Fun!”

Events in 2025
We are continuing our Client Events in 2025! Here is what to look forward to:
Day at the Park: April 12th
Movie Day: Pixar’s Elio, June 14th
Pumpkin Patch: October 14th
Tailgate: TBA
Cookie Party: December 12th
KWYP events throughout the year

In 2025, We are continuing the following training classes:
Success Coaching
Industry Mastermind
The 12-week Year
Tech Training
Contract Strategies
Monthly Risk Management UpdatesRegular KWRI & Regional online training opportunities

Additional Training in 2025:
RPR: Monthy training by the RPR team on improving your client presentations and using their data and social media tools

Personal Branding: Learning ways to brand yourself to connect with your SOI

Google Reviews: Learning how to build your business by asking past clients for reviews

Finance Class: Taught by Bianca & Jennifer

Keller Williams Classes: Look out for Ignite, BOLD, and MREA Model classes

In March, Zack Younger, the Regional Tech Trainer, will teach a class in person, covering “Automate and Love Your Business” and “Increase Exposure and Optimize Your KW Agent Site with A.I. and Blogs.”

Opportunities for supporting our community:
Our Red Day Event
Build A Bed (Collecting materials and building beds for underserved children)
Fresno Mission One Table (Meals and coats for the underserved)
Collecting canned foods and pajamas at our client events

We look forward to 2025 and helping you grow your business! Here’s to a fantastic 2025 at the best brokerage in Fresno County!

In 2025 “Grow your business and have fun!”
Updated on: December 31st, 2024