by Joshua Banker

This site simply enough features my journals as I learn to focus on what’s important in life.  These are essentially notes to myself to remind me what I have learned but I write it in such a way that maybe you could get something from it as well.  If you like what you’ve read feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram.

Why ‘Finding What’s Important’?

I have re-branded my site to “finding what’s important by reducing life’s clutter”.  The posts originally focused on me getting rid of stuff. I did get rid of a lot of extra stuff but I am not as organized as I would like to be.  A few years ago when my health took a negative turn I realized that clutter is more than just physical clutter but it is also mental clutter.  When you have a lot of things happen in life you learn how to reduce those things that don’t matter and focus more on what is important.  So this begins my journey of posting on those things that I find important to focus on.

So what is important?  There are the big things like family and friends but there are also those small things that make life interesting.  Before my focus was on removing the clutter but now I believe a little clutter is perfectly acceptable.  Check back from time to time and shoot me a message on Instagram so you too can share “what’s important”.

Links to other places you can find me on the web:
@Joshua.Banker on Instagram

Updated on: November 10th, 2019